Scenario Comparisons | Optimo Pathfinder

Press Release: Optimo Pathfinder Updates Its Class-Leading Financial Modelling Software. Read More.

Scenario Comparisons

Explore every scenario without needing to restart the strategy process

Optimise every scenario, every time

The Benefits of Scenario Comparisons with Pathfinder

Far too many advisors follow the same blueprint for all their clients. They simply recommend a certain number of investments and Super contributions, and then the majority of the advice process is spent choosing products. If you’re interested in Pathfinder, it’s because you believe in providing the best advice, not the easiest advice.

Providing high quality advice involves considering a range of scenarios when determining the right path for your client.

Modelling different goals used to require time-consuming re-calculations. Now, Pathfinder empowers you to model alternatives with a few clicks of a button.

Model Multiple Scenarios

Pathfinder makes it easy to make multiple scenarios to show your clients the projected outcomes of different goals or assumptions.

You can easily copy scenarios, change goals and recalculate the new strategy with a few clicks. Even if you just change one aspect of your scenario, the whole strategy is recalculated so everything still fits together. This gives you unrivalled flexibility.

Compare Scenarios

Multiple scenarios can be evaluated together by reviewing comprehensive charts that compare each aspect of your scenarios.

You can also compare your recommended strategy against a baseline to show the value of your advice. By allowing you to compare models, Pathfinder assures you of the optimal strategy in a way that other software can’t.

Not only will this impress and educate your clients, but you will also be able to finalise their strategy in a single meeting, rather than having to send them away while your paraplanner calculates the new variations.